ESSA Institutes New English Learner Requirements
Does your English learner program have what it needs to support the new requirements?
States must include the performance of English learners in setting goals for reading/language arts and mathematics in statewide accountability systems, the statute and regulations now also require that States include goals in their accountability systems related to English learner’s progress in attaining English language proficiency, based on the State’s English language proficiency assessment. (ESEA section 1111(c) (4) (A) (ii); 34 C.F.R. 200.13(c)).Accurately assess student progress towards achieving English language proficiency with LAS Links.
LAS Links addresses all of your language assessment needs including assessing the academic language needed to be successful in the mainstream classroom. LAS Links provides academic language proficiency data for all students in the areas of Math, Science, Technical Subjects, Language Arts, Social Studies, and History.
The Every Student Succeeds Acts (ESSA), requires states to “identify the languages other than English that are present to a significant extent” and “make every effort to develop” assessments in the languages necessary for accommodating their students.
LAS Links Español is a research-based assessment that measures the speaking, listening, reading, writing, and comprehension skills of K–12 Spanish-speaking students. It helps you identify language difficulties a student may have in Spanish and track and monitor progress in attaining Spanish language proficiency. When combined with LAS Links English, it provides a complete linguistic profile to help target instruction to meet each student’s needs during the year to help speed progress toward language proficiency.
States must include an indicator for progress in attaining English language proficiency in its statewide accountability systems.
LAS Links can be used throughout the year as an indicator to monitor student progress in acquiring English language proficiency. This powerful research-based tool allows teachers to correct areas of student weakness and build upon areas of strength. This feedback enables educators to understand student progress as they move through the stages of language acquisition towards attaining English language proficiency.
Long-term goals must include increasing the percentage of English learners making progress in achieving English language proficiency, based on a timeline determined by the state.
LAS Links tracks progress, measures student growth, and identifies areas of need to inform teacher instruction—and ultimately to raise English learner and/or dual language student achievement and performance. LAS Links reports proficiency levels, scale scores for each domain, as well as composite scores and overall scores. This data provides vital information indicating student performance and growth over time.
Additionally, new ESSA reporting requirements under Title 1 will improve transparency on academic outcomes for English learners. States are now required to report disaggregated data on English learners with disabilities, the academic achievement of former English learners, and the number of English learners who have been receiving services for five or more years and have not yet attained English language proficiency.
LAS Links data can be aggregated and disaggregated in order for individual student, classroom, building and subgroup data by student demographics or special programs to be reported according to the new requirements. This includes longitudinal data on English learners with disabilities, the academic achievement of former English learners, and the number of English learners who have been receiving services in the district for five or more years. LAS Links also generates this information in the format required for English language proficiency program evaluation and ESSA requirements.
All English learners served by the state will be given an annual assessment of English proficiency. The assessment must align with the state’s language proficiency standards.
LAS Links aligns with several standards including the College and Career Readiness Standards, WIDA, ELPA 21 and TESOL standards. LAS Links bridges the gap between language proficiency and academic success for all students.
Click here to learn more about how LAS Links supports ESSA accountability