LAS Links® Instructional Guidance

Grades: K-12
Assessment Type: CD

LAS Links Instructional Guidance empowers teachers to provide targeted lessons in reading, language arts, science, social studies, and mathematics, based on a student’s grade and proficiency level, allowing for student success in learning.

  • Practical, skills-based lesson plans
  • Themed and grade-level appropriate lessons
  • Lessons provide targeted language support in the content areas of mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies
  • Test- and content-oriented tasks
  • CDs are available for five grade spans: K–1, 2–3, 4–5, 6–8, 9–12

With LAS Links Instructional Guidance you can:

  • Offer standards-based instructional guidance materials for teachers. These materials provide teachers with contextualized, content area lesson plans to enhance classroom instruction. The key to moving English language learners toward English proficiency is to provide instruction that is grade-level appropriate, tailored to proficiency level and skill area, and includes the academic language needed to succeed in mainstream, content-area classrooms.
  • Provide teachers practical, skills-based lesson plans that scaffold learners through contextualized tasks that use the language of content-area classrooms.

Standards-Based Instructional Guidance
The instructional guidance materials are theme based, containing content from academic subjects such as Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies, all appropriately leveled according to language proficiency. Learners are also exposed to both test-oriented and context-oriented tasks. These cover a comprehensive list of skills to support success in classroom learning.

Test-Oriented Tasks
A test-oriented task scaffolds English language learners for success in a real-life language proficiency environment. These tasks are not meant to mimic authentic test environments, but instead help students apply strategies for taking tests, such as active listening. Teaching students how to listen to verbal instructions can be applied when the child has to listen to test instructions read by a Test Examiner.

Context-Oriented Tasks
A context-oriented task scaffolds English language learners for success in academic classrooms. They not only mimic the language and content, but utilize ESL methodologies and practices in the lessons. Students participate in activities such as “story retelling,” giving them the practice and confidence to repeat these skills in the classroom while building broader skills to use outside the classroom and in testing situations.

Student Proficiency Level
Unique to the Instructional Guidance is the classification of lessons by student proficiency level. This provides teachers with lessons that go beyond mere grade appropriate and content specific instruction. Teachers can use lessons that they can be confident are also appropriate for the level of English proficiency each student possesses.


  • Provides teaching activities to support all ESL classroom programs, independent of language proficiency test or curriculum
  • Aligns to TESOL and state English language proficiency standards
  • Covers four domains of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing
  • Offers theme-based content in Language Arts, Science, Math, and Social Studies
  • Provides strategies that cover academic content and test-taking skills