Use ESSER Funds to Address Unfinished Learning for English Learners
Educators are eager to address pandemic-related learning gaps as part of their back-to-school school plans. Have you considered using LAS Links data to focus on unfinished learning and support interventions for your English learners this coming school year?
The LAS Battery of Assessments, an authentic language proficiency assessment designed to measure language acquisition in English and Spanish, is currently used by all Texas LEAs as the sole TEA- approved assessment for English learner identification. LAS Links provides a comprehensive, research-based, high-quality language assessment system, with additional forms available via the DRC INSIGHT portal, allowing LEAs to extend beyond identification to meet the ARP ESSER III requirement for a high-quality assessment to evaluate learning loss and promote targeted classroom instruction for all English learners.
Click here to learn how preLAS and LAS Links specifically meets the A16, A17, B1, B2, and B3 requirements of the grant.
To support your grant application, the document found here provides an excerpt from the TEA ARP ESSER III Grant Application. LEAs may use the sample text provided to complete their grant applications.
ESSER Funding and Planning Requirements for Districts
- The American Rescue Plan/ESSER III provides $122B for elementary and secondary education.
- Funds must address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on underrepresented student groups including English learners.
- Twenty percent of these funds must be used to mitigate learning loss through evidence-based interventions that respond to students’ social, emotional, and academic needs.
- Effective district plans include data to develop plans to support English learners and to monitor their progress moving forward.

“..depending on how states and districts adapt in the coming year, schools could emerge from this crisis having built stronger and more resilient systems on a foundation of equity for ELs and immigrant-background students.”Migration Institute Policy
Data to Address Unfinished Learning

Data to Meet ESSER Requirements